Diabetes describes several different conditions that involve faulty functioning of the hormone, insulin. Early diagnosis and careful management of the disease minimizes complications and helps you live a better quality of life. Dr. Ray Santos and Dr. Ritu Sharma provide successful diabetes care and management at DRS Medical Associates in Jersey City, New Jersey.

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What is insulin?

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. When released in proper amounts and working properly, insulin helps your body regulate your blood sugar levels, use the sugar you consume, and store fat.

What is diabetes?

When you have diabetes, you have problems with insulin.

Type 1 DiabetesAn autoimmune condition, usually diagnosed when you’re a child or in adolescence. Your immune system goes haywire and attacks cells in your pancreas that produce insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes This occurs when you become insulin resistant. Your body produces enough insulin, but can’t use it effectively. Instead of converting the sugar to energy, the sugar builds up in your blood.

Gestational Diabetes This type of diabetes develops in about 6% of all pregnancies. It manifests like type 2 diabetes, and usually goes away once you give birth. It may predispose you to developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

What are the complications of diabetes?

Uncontrolled blood sugar puts you at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, vision problems, foot damage, nerve complications, skin conditions, and Alzheimer’s disease.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes present the following symptoms:

  • Extreme thirst and more frequent urination
  • Fatigue and insatiable hunger
  • Blurry vision
  • Dry and itchy skin

How is diabetes managed?

Dr. Santos and Dr. Sharma will help you adapt your lifestyle to manage diabetes as well as offer regular medical monitoring. Eating healthy, becoming more active, and testing your blood sugar levels are essential steps.

At your regular medical visits, the staff and doctors will review your blood pressure, check your feet, evaluate your weight, and inquire about lifestyle habits. If lifestyle management isn’t enough to manage your blood sugar levels, you may receive oral medications or insulin to help you maintain a target blood sugar (or glucose) level.

Why is it important to manage diabetes?

With good management of diabetes, you’ll have more energy, reduce fatigue, experience better wound healing, and have fewer infections in your skin and bladder. You’ll also reduce the risk of developing complications such as heart disease, peripheral neuropathy (tingling in your extremities), gum and tooth problems, kidney complications, and vision problems.